Old China Hands lunch 4 August

Our monthly lunch at Morel’s Restaurant

In the middle of the hot summer period but the Old China Hands lunch 4 August was again well attended, we were well over twenty.
I was a bit worried as both Renaat and Susan were away, but service was good as usual.


Next lunch

The next monthly lunch is on Friday 1 September, same place, same approach. While most people are supposed to be back, possibly many will be busy.
So, wait and see!
The following lunch will be Friday 6 October!

Old China Hands lunch 7 July

Sauna weather

The Old China Hands lunch 7 July was well attended, we were nearly 30 and that despite the sauna weather and being in the middle of a supposed holiday season.

Next lunch

Next lunch 4 August, will be another date where attendance is unsure. One never knows!

Old China Hands lunch on 2 June 2017

Start of the summer season?

Either people are busy or going away, our Old China Hands lunch on 2 June 2017 nevertheless had its nice crowd of over 20 people.
We were also happy to see once more our friend Colin before he REALLY leaves us for his homeland. We will miss him and his networking.

Next lunch

Next lunch is Friday 7 July, right in the middle of Beijing sauna weather. Curious to see how many will be still standing to come and sit with us!

Fourth Old China Hands Anniversary

Happy Anniversary OCH!

On Friday 5 May 2017 we celebrated our fourth Old China Hands Anniversary, being our monthly lunch normally on the first Friday of the month.
I started it indeed four years ago with some six or eight people and soon we settled for Morel’s Restaurant (Gongti) and we never changed. Everybody seems very happy with the place and the formula. I love to organize it because it is a nice gathering of friends.

Good attendance

My “member list” counts a little over 100 people and is updated regularly to add new people or remove those who left us or never RSVP. As most “Old China Hands” are busy people, many can often not make it due to their busy schedule. On 5 May we had around 30 people, being a typical attendance.
The background of the people is very diverse and so are the nationalities.

Old China Hands Lunch 7 April

Steady attendance

The Old China Hands Lunch 7 April counted exactly 24 people, we now have a regular average of 25. Sometimes higher, sometimes lower. Many RSVP who can’t make it (much appreciated) – yes OCH are busy people.

The next lunch is 5 May

I am going to be away from Beijing end of this month but I will be back on time for the lunch. I just have to figure out when and how to send the invitations.
In May again I will disappear but back to host the 2 June lunch.
The May lunch will also be our 4 years anniversary! I started it in May 2013 and we never skipped one single lunch!