Chinese see biking differently
I already wrote about the cultural gap related to the Beijing biking scene, see:
While most Chinese still have an uneasy attitude towards biking (or rather, to be seen biking), some small progress can be noted in the Beijing biking scene. And yes, even the Bush family showed the good example in Beijing decades ago.
- me on my bike?
- The Bush family
- gongti nan lu
- dongdaqiao lu
- fully equipped Superman
- A magic plastic bag
- ready for any rain
- the new bike
- the retiring bike
- bike gone except 1 wheel
- Charles ready to go
I ride my bicycle anytime
Rain, snow, cold or hot, I ride my bike. I get sometimes a lot of staring, especially with my great rain outfit (bought in USA, no such thing here). It protects me fully, even when in a suit.
And well, one must be creative as when I was in Morel’s Restaurant surprised by the rain. Susan improvised a pretty hilarious (but efficient) emergency outfit.
I am a bit paranoid about my bike as many are promptly stolen. The secret is always attaching it to something, and with a serious chain. So my old crappy SUPERMAN retired after four years, falling into pieces. Now a new bike, better quality.
When you attach the bike, you need to attach the frame and for sure not just the front wheel: see what happens when you do it wrong!
And if pollution is really bad, I am well equipped!
Still way to go in the Beijing biking scene
There is progress in Beijing: the amount of bikes for hire is now impressive. See here one of the first batches in 2007.
As I officially complained about the disappearing bike parkings, I was happy to see since 2011 the white rings on many sidewalks. Oh well, some are disintegrating (rusted) or damaged, but there are now more and more.
Still a lot can be improved, to have more bike lanes and more attention to bicycles: see how even the USA is better than “the bike kingdom China”.
Another dedicated biker is my friend and neighbor Charles, here ready for a major trip to Haidian. But we are more socially friendly than this motorbike with his FUCXOFF plate.