Presiding the Rotary lunch

The weekly lunch at Kempinski Hotel

I guess I never acted presiding the Rotary lunch. I often have to jump in as permanent stand-by Sergeant-at-Arms however.
Well on 18 October I my chance. Pretty easy as I have had to often help the presidents.

(Pics by Celine)

The routine in presiding the Rotary lunch

In our club:
– announce the opening of the meeting
– introduce visiting Rotarians
– introduce visiting guests
– banner exchange (if any) and give the word to the visiting club to introduce their club
– manage any announcements
– invite the speaker, afterwards thank the speaker by giving a banner of our club
– announce the “Happy Money Session”
– close the meeting with giving the figures (attendance, money collected) and raise to glass to RI etc.
– hit our bell!

Beijing 2016 British Ball

Many balls in Beijing

The 2016 British Ball is one of the many in Beijing, each month there are several to choose from. Most are pretty expensive (over 1000 RMB per ticket) and formal.
As we had never been to a British Ball, we were happy to join the Rotary table on 22 October in the Kerry Hotel Grand Ballroom.
Rotarians were: President Daniel R., Joergen, Klaus, Eli, Helen, Russell.
Also happy to see our Belgian friend Ruben playing the violin!

A fully packed ballroom

While some balls have a hard time selling their tickets, the Beijing 2016 British Ball was sold out (750 seats I was told). Thanks to Rotarian Russell Brown for arranging our table. He was also the MC of the evening.
For me also great to meet again the UK Ambassador H.E. Barbara Woodward: we closely worked together on the preparation of the 2008 Olympics when she was posted here previously.
Food and drinks were great. Of course we did not win any prize, as usual, but it was a fun evening with many friends!

Dr. Gernot Klotz speaking to the Beijing Rotary Club

Dr. Gernot Klotz

On Tuesday 11 October we welcomed Dr. Gernot Klotz as our speaker.
His topic: Innovations in Key Technologies and Mindset -European Union R&I Strategic Approach to “Play” at Global Level.
He is the President of Kowledge4Innovation (K4I), a non-profit, open and independent membership organization. K4I provides a platform for debate on the future of innovation in Europe by engaging multiple stakeholders from the public, private and  academic  sectors.
Dr. Klotz analyzed challenges and benefits for research and innovation in Europe. A sustainable approach to industry innovation is essential. Development and implementation of integrated bio-based value chains are a pre-condition for growing bio-based industries.

(pics by Celine – edited)

New Member Induction

President Daniel R. hosted the induction of Mr. Weiyi Jia. Weiyi was sponsored by PP. Ruby.
I was once again Sergeant-at-Arms.
We welcomed several guests, also our Rotaractor Gau from the Rotaract West Club.

Rotary in China update


Recently we welcomed new members who joined the Rotary family, Ningbo and Shanghai Hongqiao (Chinese speaking); and later we embraced more, Rotary Club of Suzhou Mandarin and Rotary Satellite Club of Dalian Shenyang.

Currently we have 20 clubs, 15 chartered and 5 provisional. For Youth clubs, we have 6 chartered and 3 Fellowships Rotaract Clubs, 11 chartered and 2 Fellowship Interact Clubs.
The total amount of Rotarians in the Mainland has now reached over 500.
A bit hard to keep track as the numbers change in a rapid pace…

Fellowship, Food & Fun at the Rotaract Yummy Box Bash

Rotaract Yummy Box Bash

On 13 October Rotaract Beijing West kicked off the recruiting season in Wudaokou!
Over 80 attended the Rotaract Yummy Box Bash, close to the Wudaokou Subway Station.
The Rotaract Beijing West crew put on a great party that had many nice pizzas, other dishes and free flow of beer.
Over 25 teams participated in the”beer pong tournament” with Team Dutch being victorious.
This event was one of many to come to provide an opportunity for new members to join in on the fun.

(Pics updated 18 Oct 16)

Rotaract Beijing West

The Club grows its presence in Wudaokou in an effort to better the community we live in. Coming up they will have plenty of opportunities for volunteering, fundraising and other development aspects of life in Beijing.
Regular weekly meetings are held at BoCoffee in Wudaokou, on Thursdays at 8pm. Join the experience ‘Fellowship through Service’ with fellow students and young professionals living and experiencing Beijing.
See the article of the Club:

Beijing Rotary Club and Stephan Rothlin

Stephan Rothlin

Our lunch at the Kempinski Hotel on 27 September had as speaker Stephan Rothlin. He made a presentation on Corporate Philanthropy in China. It is his third visit to our club.

Dr. Rothlin is the CEO and Founder of Rothlin International Management CSR Consulting in Beijing and Director of the Macau Ricci Institute at Saint Joseph University, Macau.
As the current situation of corporate philanthropy in China appears to be more in flux and continues to develop rapidly, the initial phase of the Corporate Philanthropy Project is to study closely key aspects of philanthropic giving in China by foreign-based multinational corporations doing business here.
The research aims to make philanthropy and the commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility more visible and public and to lay the groundwork for corporations and their related NGO or government affiliated partners who excel in their proven track record of positive contributions and impact to the larger society to be given credit and wider public recognition.

(Pics by Celine)

I was again Sergeant-at-Arms…
Time for the birthday cake, René having the cutting honor.
Our two Rotaractors Frederic and Kien joined, giving an update of the latest Rotaract Clubs in Beijing.

Rotaract social at Luga’s

See also here two pics of our Rotaract social evening at Luga’s Villa, on 3 October.

As you can notice it was the special pizza deal day!