Old China Hands lunch 19 October

Our monthly lunch at Morel’s Restaurant

The Old China Hands lunch 19 October was different: exceptionally not on the first Friday of the month as the restaurant was closed due to the October 1 holidays.
We saw a moderate turnout with nearly 30 people, new faces, old faces.

The videos now online

As mentioned earlier, China Today made some videos of Renaat & Susan and myself (with the Old China Hands lunch).
All videos are now online:

Our next lunch

Next round is on Friday 1 November.
In the last lunch there was a misunderstanding about the coffee & tea. Yes, it was to be included in the price. Renaat Morel will offer a second cup at the next lunch if anybody wants!

Old China Hands lunch 6 September

Our monthly lunch at Morel’s Restaurant

Old China Hands lunch 6 September was kind of back to normal after the sauna months. We were a nice 31, with many being too busy to attend.

The love story of Renaat and Susan

Well, they obviously also talk about Morel’s Restaurant. You will need a backdoor to view the clip here:
Watch this great clip about Renaat and Susan

You can also try this local link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ZGGlBkn-MDBRklFZdUeXLg

Or see the attached file: 190921 RenaatSusan

Our next lunch: a change!

I just returned from a 2-week trip to Phuket, so this goes out a bit late. Hopefully without any confusing errors.
Our upcoming lunch will be exceptionally not on the first Friday of the month as the restaurant is closed due to the October 1 holidays. Instead of cancelling we decided to have it on Friday 11 October. Take note! Renaat and Susan will not be back yet but the restaurant will be open.
Then it will be 1 November.

Old China Hands lunch 2 August

Our monthly lunch at Morel’s Restaurant

Old China Hands lunch 2 August saw fewer of our members, as expected. We were exactly 20 despite being a low-season sauna weather day. Not too bad anyway.

China Today

The journalists were there again as they had more to discuss with the restaurant, for another interview. In the meantime we got the first version of their video, I must say they did a great job. Footage is from our lunch on 5 July and from their visit to my office on 9 July.
See the new link: http://mp42.china.com.cn/video_tide/video/2019/8/22/20198221566447489029_386.mp4

Another longer version is in the pipeline!

Our next lunch: a change!

Our next lunch will be exceptionally not on the first Friday as the restaurant is closed due to the October 1 holidays. Instead of cancelling we decided to have it on Friday 11 October. Take note! Renaat and Susan will not be back yet but the restaurant will be open. I will also be away during the unpleasant October 1 restrictions, back on Monday 7 October.

Old China Hands lunch 5 July

Our monthly lunch at Morel’s Restaurant

Old China Hands lunch 5 July was rather quiet, as it in the middle of the expat holiday season. We were over twenty, still.

China Today

As you all could notice we had a team of journalists shooting movies and doing interviews, see the pics. That made our rather quiet lunch a bit lively… Victims were Greg, Bruce, Edwin, Terry, Renaat and myself.

The magazine and website are now called “China Today”, a well-known media outlet that comes in several languages such as English, French, Arab, Spanish and German. Formerly “La Chine en Construction”.

See: http://www.chinatoday.com.cn/ctenglish/index.htm

The team was from the French section, “La Chine Au PrĂ©sent”.
Once I have the link to the video, I will distribute. They expect it to be published in late August.
A few days later they also came to my office for a longer interview, in French. I keep you posted!

Our next lunch

Join us for the sauna session on Friday 2 August. For the hardcore!