Admitting the pandemic

Germany and the rest of the world

Looks like WHO and others finally admitting the pandemic. As I predicted days ago.
The WHO declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic on Wednesday, with 114 countries reporting combined cases that added up to nearly 120,000.
“In the days and weeks ahead we expect to see the number of cases, the number of deaths and the number of affected countries to climb even higher,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a press briefing in Geneva.

Only for those familiar with Belgian art…

Chancellor Angela Merkel: 60 to 70% of the German population could become infected.

Other people who have medical problems and need attention now neglected. This poses a serious risk.

Travel for business and leisure is now more dead than ever. Sport and all public events stopped.

The lack of testing in many countries with weaker economy and poor medical facilities is a ticking time bomb. I fear an explosion of new cases once the spread becomes visible. Think about Africa, India, South America… (and USA)

Anybody realizes the chain reaction in the world economy? A new brutal reality to ravage economies and societies. Killing globalization. A new Armageddon in the making.

Comprehensive COVID-19 map
John Hopkins University in the USA is producing a map with regular update of cases worldwide:

Good luck USA

I watched Trump and his press conference on 12 March morning Beijing time. What a sinister declaration, as usual.

Donald Trump announced suspension of travel from Europe to the US: “We will be suspending all travel from Europe to the United States for the next 30 days, the new rules will go into effect Friday at midnight,” Trump said, adding that the suspension will not apply to Britain.

A leading US health official testified at a Congressional hearing on the coronavirus outbreak Wednesday that the number of people sickened by the virus in the US could hit “many millions” if appropriate steps were not taken.  “We will see more cases, and things will get worse than they are right now,” Dr. Anthony Fauci – the widely respected director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – warned members of the House Oversight Committee.
See also further down “A coronavirus lesson from China”.

As predicted: Beijing quarantine

Don’t say I did not warn you. Now all coming to Beijing, from ANY other place will face 14 days quarantine.
Chinese announcement:

Says CGTN (and all others): Beijing on Wednesday further tightened its prevention and control measures for foreigners as more imported novel coronavirus cases arrived in the city.
Everyone, including those not from the hard-hit countries, is required to undergo a 14-day quarantine at home or designated place, according to local authorities.
People who entered Beijing on business trips have to stay in designated hotels before he is cleared from a nucleic acid testing.

See also about Shanghai entry…

A coronavirus lesson from China: don’t make patients pay for tests and treatment

As reported by SCMP
People with lower incomes will be deterred from seeking treatment if they face health care costs, worsening the epidemic.
As the coronavirus continues to spread around the world, China has one important lesson for other governments in fighting the disease – be prepared to pay so that patients won’t let costs deter them from getting tests and treatment.
A coronavirus test reportedly costs about 370 yuan (US$53) in China. And in the southern city of Shenzhen, the average cost of treating the disease ranged from 23,000 yuan for elderly patients to about 5,600 yuan for minors, Chinese Hospital Management journal reported.
Some of the country’s treatment methods such as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation are expensive but they are all covered by the government, which has earmarked 110.48 billion yuan for treatment, subsidies for medical staff and medical equipment.
In the US, where there have been 25 deaths among 696 confirmed cases, public anxiety is growing over the cost of testing.

The US government does not charge for coronavirus confirmation tests at designated laboratories but a trip to the hospital will incur other hefty expenses, in one case over US$3,200. Insurance lobby group America’s Health Insurance Plans said individuals needed to check their insurance providers for coverage of costs related to COVID-19.
As of Monday, only 1,707 people had been tested by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Japan designated COVID-19 as an infectious disease in February, making it the government’s responsibility to pay inpatient bills related to the coronavirus infection.
In Britain, about 18,000 people have received free testing since last month, and 373 have been confirmed as infected.
“Clearly, wherever you have to pay for health care, individuals with mild symptoms in the lower-income groups will hesitate to visit a health care facility, and that may also be the case in some individuals with severe disease. These behaviors will extend the epidemic.” said a professor. That is pretty obvious!

Role of China

Local media said the Red Cross Society of China was leading a team of medical experts heading for Italy on Wednesday, taking supplies and equipment with them.

Is the peak really over?

It follows a phone call between the two countries’ foreign ministers late on Tuesday, in which China’s Wang Yi responded to a request for help from his Italian counterpart Luigi Di Maio. Wang told Di Maio that China would send medical equipment to the country, and also offered to send medical personnel to help tackle the outbreak in Italy, according to a statement on the Chinese foreign ministry website. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi reportedly told Italian Foreign Minister Luigi di Maio that Beijing was willing to donate 100,000 high-tech masks to Italy, 20,000 protective suits and 50,000 diagnostic tests.

Meanwhile details of the cover-up continue to come out.
A Wuhan doctor who posted information about the new coronavirus on social media that was shared by the late whistle-blower Li Wenliang has broken her silence, saying she was muzzled by authorities for raising the alarm without their permission at the start of the outbreak.
Ai Fen, director of the emergency department at Wuhan Central Hospital, told Chinese magazine People that she posted an image of a diagnostic report on social network WeChat on December 30, showing that the patient had a pneumonia infection caused by a SARS-like coronavirus.
Ai’s interview suggests local health authorities in Wuhan, the center of the epidemic, missed an opportunity to issue a warning about an imminent outbreak before the virus spread and infected more than 117,000 people globally and caused over 4,200 deaths.
It was published on Tuesday but later deleted from the magazine’s WeChat account, prompting angry internet users to repost the article on other platforms.

The new PR initiative from China: we are not to blame. Again. distorting reality and worse, many Chinese start believing the fake news.
The Chinese government’s cover-up of the virus allowed it to spread unchecked in Wuhan for weeks, including among the 5 million city residents who left the city without being screened, leading to a national epidemic and inevitably to its spread outside China. There is no evidence COVID-19 spread in any human population before it spread in China.

From a member of the Stanford hospital board.

The tips I had posted here: well, they say it is a hoax and not correct. So I did remove it all while some tips I believe are correct. See:
“Posts are circulating false and misleading tips on social media — in some cases wrongly attributed to Stanford University — about how people can monitor and avoid the coronavirus.”

Viral Social Media Posts Offer False Coronavirus Tips


instructions for lift in China – the irrational toilet paper stuff

COVID-19 struggles

The “mystery” of the health apps

I already mentioned several times the issue of apps some localities would use to check one’s “health status”, one of my COVID-19 struggles.
I put on it some “WeChat/Alipay Chinese experts”. After two days of research, trying everything, like submitting pic of passport (later “approved”), trying all tricks plus research: the Chinese person called the Beijing government and was told “Yes we know, it does not work in Beijing for foreigners, unlike in other cities.” So. both WeChat and Alipay health apps DO NOT WORK for foreigners.

See some screenshots from both WeChat et Alipay trials (not in sequence)… Wechat is straightforward: you can only enter Chinese ID.
Oh well. Give up. But we remain open to more-clever ones on how to do it IN BEIJING.

How to do self-quarantine?

See this excellent instruction on how to really do your home quarantine. Many people talk about it but ignore the rules.
“How to Quarantine Yourself”
Yahoo News – The New York Times – 7 March 2020
the original:

Stay home unless you must see a doctor. No work, school or shopping. If you must come out of your room, wear a mask. And don’t share towels.
Read here:
200307 selfquarantine

Bloomberg 10 March: prospects are…

Manufacturing firms across China told Bloomberg News that they are close to being able to resume full production as domestic infections slow to a trickle, but are now facing canceled orders and fewer opportunities to gain new customers as the virus grips elsewhere.
“We are actually more worried about the development of the epidemic in Europe and the U.S., which will affect their domestic consumption,” said Mark Ma, owner of Shenzhen-based Seabay International Freight Forwarding Ltd. The company relies on those regions for 80% of its business, with about a third of the goods it handles being sold on Amazon. “China’s manufacturers have no big problems taking orders and producing, the main problem now is how the epidemic is contained overseas.”

Interview denied

I was asked to comment on this survey for an interview with well-known Chinese media. I said no. I am not one of those foreign sycophants (I systematically kick those off my media).
Online survey in 28 markets – 34,000+ respondents total. All fieldwork was conducted between October 19 and November 18, 2019 (Chinese: did not see this? Well, that was before the bungling of the outbreak).

Chinese now refer to this report to trumpet how fantastic everything is.
All while they now show more and more xenophobic attitudes and deny reality. Now we foreigners are deemed dangerous people in China, transmitting the virus (all while the most dangerous are Chinese returning from abroad). And there are too many of us, a threat to China culture and workforce. Now, dare say anything (we don’t) about the millions of Chinese settling in our countries, many with as good as no education and just good enough to wash dishes. We would be branded as racist, anti-Chinese, name it.
And of course China does not need to say sorry to the world for allowing a virus to become a world pandemic – there are enough conclusive reports about that (see earlier posts). Yeah yeah, the virus comes from the bad Americans.

When is “back to normal”?

For me some very clear conditions:
– We can enter all our gates in our compound without ID and other check;
– I can resume my Old China Hands Monthly Lunch;
– I can travel to Phuket for a (working) holiday without being denied entry in Thailand nor to face forced quarantine on my return.

Some people do not think our situation in Beijing has anything to do with “misery”. Oh well, they might have another way of life. As I wrote on Facebook:
Maybe some people think the quarantine is “fine”, because they have little or no social life, happy to home school their kids and work online and only need some supermarket shopping. Well, people like me, we enjoy(ed) the intense social life in Beijing, the restaurants, the bars, massage, KTV, gym, getting stuff done, receptions, seminars, club meetings etc. YES missing ALL that is kinda misery.
It also explains why I am (still) staying in Beijing as Belgium is (was?) totally boring.

Welcome to Beijing?

When you arrive from abroad in Beijing, there is the big question: what happens? Quarantine?
Honestly we now cannot complain too much as other countries are much more draconian, the worst being Israel as it looks like. I already wrote about it several times, so I won’t repeat.
On another funny note: those arriving from Taiwan must quarantine. Because it is inside China travel.
See this revealing article:

“Beijing Capital International Airport Sections Off Entire Wing to Process High-Risk Flights”
10 March 2020
“In its efforts to contain the threat of imported infections, Beijing today announced that an entire portion of Beijing Capital International Airport has been converted into a makeshift screening and testing area for flights arriving from those countries considered high-risk, according to Beijing Times.
The area, T3-D, was chosen for its relative isolation and has been operational as of midnight last night. It will handle all passengers on inbound flights from countries currently experiencing high levels of infection, a label that has so far largely pertained to Iran, Italy, Japan, and South Korea. However, the Beijing Times report does not specify which flights, traveling from which countries, will alight at this new quarantine area.
And don’t be surprised if you suddenly end up in China International Exhibition Center in Shunyi.
Do note processing in Shanghai airport has been, well, more than chaotic.
Read the article for details.

See also:

COVID-19 Beijing update

Latest from AXIOS and SCMP on 10 March

A quick COVID-19 Beijing update. International media now report a lot.
Just a few edited news flashes.

Global panic over the coronavirus

  • Italy is entering a nationwide lockdown, all travelers to Israel are being placed in quarantine, Spain is closing schools and several countries are further tightening their borders.
  • Italy’s nationwide quarantine policy means all public gatherings are banned at least through April 3. People across the country are not to leave their homes unless necessary, and travel will only be allowed for urgent reasons. Italy’s response to the Covid-19 appears to mirror China’s lockdown of cities across the country, but the sharp differences in the two countries’ government systems mean the restrictions in place will be nowhere near as extensive.
  • Israel went further than any country to date in restricting its contact with the outside world by declaring that anyone arriving in the country will have to spend at least two weeks in quarantine.
  • Saudi Arabia and Russia helped set off what became one of the worst days in the history of U.S. stock markets when they diverged in their responses to a sharp fall in global oil prices.
  • There are growing fears of a global recession. Some countries are likely already there.
  • French Culture Minister Franck Riester became the latest high-ranking politician to test positive for the virus.
  • Portugal’s president tested negative but will still self-quarantine after a classmate of students he met with tested positive.
  • The rate of cases reported in China continues to decline significantly.
  • Concerns remain that Iran’s outbreak has been massively underreported.
  • The United States’ mixed messaging over the coronavirus continued as a top health official warned that “many people” would be exposed to the coronavirus over the next two years while Genius Trump persisted with downplaying the significance of widespread transmission in the country. The crossed wires within the Trump administration stood in contrast to the WHO assertion that there was now a “real risk” of a global pandemic because of the virus.

Panic buying of toilet paper

Totally crazy and totally irrational. Did not see this happening in Beijing. I had to google it to try to understand the buying frenzy. OK, it IS totally irrational. Read this:
Dr. Dimitrios Tsivrikos: expert in consumer and behavioural science at the University College London:
He explained the difference between disaster panic and general panic, with toilet paper becoming a symbol of the latter.

“Disaster panic is normally for something you have more information on, such as a natural disaster. You know it is going to happen and you usually know it will last a couple days and you can prepare by being somewhat rational with what you buy.
But in public health issues we have no idea about the time or intensity and we get messages on a daily basis that we should go into panic mode that we buy into more than we need to. It’s our only tool of control. Because toilet paper has a longer shelf-life than many food items, is prominently featured in aisles and is big in size, we are psychologically drawn to purchasing it in times of crisis. The bigger they are, the more important we think they are.
If we had an international sign for panic it would be a traffic warning sign with a toilet paper roll in the middle.”

Forget your trip to Thailand

I already was expecting this so I made no plans for my Thailand escape. I am right…
Coronavirus: Thailand asks visitors from outbreak ‘danger zones’ to prove they’re not infected.
9 March 2020 SCMP
The new rule includes a 14-day quarantine period and applies to travellers from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, Iran and Italy.
Thailand’s aviation regulator has instructed airlines to ask passengers coming from high-risk areas for health certificates to establish that they are free of the new coronavirus.
Travellers who cannot provide such documentation should be prevented from boarding flights to the Southeast Asian nation, according to a Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand notice posted Monday. Carriers are liable for treatment costs if they fly in people who become sick with the Covid-19 disease caused by the virus, the notice said.
The new framework applies to mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, Iran and Italy, all of which Thailand has designated danger zones for infection, as it steps up efforts against the outbreak that has infected 50 people in the country so far.
The Tourism Authority of Thailand, a government agency, wrote on Facebook on Monday that travellers coming from the six danger zones will be quarantined for 14 days, adding that more details will be announced soon.
“We advise all travellers to consider carefully whether they still want to pursue their journey,” the authority said.

How to stay safe

This new study is indeed alarming. Take note!
9 March 2020
Stephen Chen SCMP

Coronavirus can travel twice as far as official ‘safe distance’ and stay in air for 30 minutes, Chinese study finds. See excerpts:
Authorities advise people to stay 1-2 metres apart, but researchers found that a bus passenger infected fellow travellers sitting 4.5 metres away.
The scientists behind the research said their investigation also highlighted the importance of wearing face masks because of the length of time it can linger.
Researchers said the case highlighted the importance of wearing masks on public transport.
The coronavirus that causes Covid-19 can linger in the air for at least 30 minutes and travel up to 4.5 metres – further than the “safe distance” advised by health authorities around the world, according to a study by a team of Chinese government epidemiologists.
The researchers also found that it can last for days on a surface where respiratory droplets land, raising the risk of transmission if unsuspecting people touch it and then rub their face.
The length of time it lasts on the surface depends on factors such as temperature and the type of surface, for example at around 37C, it can survive for two to three days on glass, fabric, metal, plastic or paper.
These findings, from a group of official researchers from Hunan province investigating a cluster case, challenge the advice from health authorities around the world that people should remain apart at a “safe distance” of one to two metres.

European Chamber

As received on 10 March 2020:
COVID-19 Beijing Policy Updates
The Beijing Municipality announced on 3rd March during its daily press conference on the outbreak that people travelling to China from South Korea, Japan, Iran, Italy, and “other severely affected countries” are now required to conduct a 14-day quarantine upon arrival. See the pdf:

200303 BJgovnmt

Basically nothing new, as I reported. earlier. However as I noted, many compounds or health officials ignore this and mandate quarantine anyway.

Good insights for COVID-19

See this site with a lot of valuable insights:
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) by Max Roser and Hannah Ritchie

Finally understood the following:
“The disease is called coronavirus disease. It is abbreviated as COVID-19. The virus is called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and it is abbreviated as SARS-CoV-2. In the same statement the WHO also explains that they themselves also refer to the virus as “the virus responsible for COVID-19” or “the COVID-19 virus” when communicating with the public.”

It also addresses what was in the previous post about the article in Belgium talking about “Exponential growth leads to large numbers fast”.

COVID-19 big confusion

To quarantine or not quarantine

Beijing as usual makes our life a misery with its COVID-19 big confusion.
That applies to the quarantine rule, the opening and operation of restaurants etc.
So, economy back to normal is only for those with their heads in the clouds. Obviously people still are naive thinking there will be no pandemic. Oh well.

On Friday 6 March Premier Li Keqiang still did not entirely impose quarantine for all in Beijing. As China daily wrote on 7 March,  “Beijing mandates 14-day quarantine for inbound travelers from overseas coronavirus hotspots”, that would normally not apply to travelers from Belgium, at least not earlier in the past week.
In our compound we received the visit of “health officials” who wanted my wife to sign the papers, see the pics (basically agreeing to quarantine). I gave them the official publication of the Beijing Government stating people like my wife did not need the quarantine. They did not know about this (as usual) and were happy to get my printout.
After a second “visit” there was no imposed quarantine and only mandatory daily temperature check. Anyway my wife will avoid going out by her free will. And we adapted the new way to say goodnight.

Conclusion: I am afraid that anybody arriving from abroad will be mandated the 14-day quarantine, even with the announcement in China Daily (see pic). Any suspicious travel history will sound the alarm!

On another note, all school teachers are advised not to return to Beijing until further notice.

In the meantime Northern Italy imposed a quarantine/lockdown for 16 million people.

People at high risk unable to get assistance or tests in USA. Total breakdown of the system. Once they start real testing I expect the number of infections to go up dramatically. Reason why genius Trump is not enthusiastic to do so. See also further the Belgian article.

One Diner Per Table Suggestion Causes Confusion, Concern

Michael Wester in theBeijinger 7 March 2020
Read the full article there.

A statement that small restaurants should limit diners to one per table made at Thursday’s city government press briefing on the coronavirus crisis has caused concern and confusion among Beijing’s restaurant owners and foodies.
A closer look reveals that this is not necessarily a new mandate, but some areas of town have already interpreted it as such.

The Beijing Youth Daily’s ( headline on the story states the one per table rule
Regardless of what was said, some restaurants and property management companies, particularly those in malls, are taking the announcement as gospel and already enforcing a one person per table restriction.
“In order to further our work in epidemic prevention, I think we ought to do the following,” An official began, then listed 10 items:

  • Restaurants must make clear lines of responsibility for epidemic prevention.
  • Customers must be subject to temperature checks before entering.
  • During the epidemic, dining in is not recommended; where dining in is absolutely necessary, eat in turns or separated from one another. To reduce customers from loitering too long, encourage take out and dining alone.
  • Before dining, make sure you wear your mask; if you are planning to dine in a restaurant, be sure you are healthy and are not showing any symptoms of COVID-19. Wear your mask at all times except when eating.
  • Make sure you wash your hands before dining.
  • Use staggered methods of serving to prevent overcrowding.
  • At ordering and paying stations, establish one-meter line markers to prevent customers from crowding these areas.
  • Increasing distance between tables and having only one customer per table will be effective in limiting group dining.
  • When dining, reduce socializing and concentrate on eating.
  • Restaurants should heat sterilize all tableware using steam heat, boiling water or chemical sterilizers.

Some of these, such as the distance between tables and one-meter lines, have already been announced and enforced.
Diners visiting Beijing restaurants over the last two days report being told differing limits, from one to four per table, while others say no limit has been set.

A party of three were asked to dine at separate tables with one empty table in between; Thursday at Karaiya Spice House in the Kerry Centre (with my friend Glen in the picture…)

Like most of what has been happening across town as this crisis has unfolded, both interpretation and enforcement of policies that have been announced at a rapid-fire pace have been largely left to local-area police, building management and community associations.
Many restaurants are taking it upon themselves to enforce limits, even without prompting, simply to play it safe.
Any tightening of restrictions on dining is likely to further damage an industry that is already reeling from a massive decline in business as a result of the virus.

The end is far away

SCMP 8 March 2020
The Covid-19 epidemic caused by the coronavirus will not end this year as the contagion has spread worldwide, a leading microbiologist from Hong Kong has said.
Professor Yuen Kwok-yung from the University of Hong Kong, who advised authorities on control measures against the disease, said although the situation in mainland China and Hong Kong might improve in summer, there could be more imported cases from the southern hemisphere in winter.
“We think the epidemic will probably not come to an end,” Yuen said on a pre-recorded television interview aired on Sunday. “There will be what we call reversed imported cases. In the beginning other countries feared us, now we fear them for bringing in the virus.”
Yuen urged residents to avoid travelling at least until the end of the year.

Facing such a virus, immediate action is the key

How the coverup and delays in Wuhan created a worldwide pandemic. Indeed quick reaction is vital to halt the spread. Precious time was wasted allowing the Pandora box to open. Now Western countries face the same dilemma: they are also too slow to act. This news is actually … not new. See:
“China censors report about how authorities hid coronavirus genome sequence test results for 14 days”

Actually Wuhan waited longer than 2 weeks to admit reality and take drastic action. It was too late with millions of people having moved out.

A stern warning in Belgium

Interesting article, in French. Worth a read.

All over the news…

“Coronavirus : ‘Face à sa propagation exponentielle, des mesures extrêmes s’imposent'”
In short:

– the pandemic is here with the exponential spread of the virus;
– Belgium is not prepared and has no real plan;
– we must avoid any contact with others as much as possible and use masks;
– Belgium can expect 50,000 cases in 33 days and 200,000 a week later unless drastic action is taken.
– in a case like this virus immediate response is a must
– the country should have stockpile of masks and other to face any such epidemic (strategic reserve of 400,000 masks)
– the data provided by the WHO are unreliable.


Very interesting but alarmist read. I can agree with most except for the emphasis on masks as I have said many times. He does not mention enough washing hands and not touching surfaces.
With such a scenario in mind, I am afraid the USA is going to face a crisis…

COVID-19 closing doors

Beijing quarantine

Increasingly COVID-19 closing doors worldwide. Beijing had exempted some foreigners from the 14 day quarantine. We calculated the pandemic was spreading in Europe so we decided it was best my wife quickly returned from Brussels – considered not to be a risk country – to Beijing. No real quarantine for her while she does avoid going around. That door seems to be closing very soon, any moment now anybody entering China will face the quarantine. China not mentioning it was the first to vehemently oppose travel restrictions…
Obviously that will not help the economy to return to any “normal” situation.

Read the China Daily editorial of 6 March 2020:
“Risks of reverse current virus spread highlight importance of coordination: China Daily editorial”

I quote:
“Thus, it is strongly suggested that the country should consider expanding its 14-day quarantine requirements from those having recent traveling experience in the four worst hit countries — the Republic of Korea, Japan, Iran and Italy — to all visitors coming from outside, including Chinese nationals. … As such, although the country remains open to those from outside, a no-one-should-be-omitted 14-day quarantine should be imposed on all those wanting to enter the country. While this will drive up the administrative costs given the still sizable population flow into the country each day, it should be adopted immediately to plug the obvious loopholes to help the country to defend itself against the virus and thwart the cross-border spread of the virus.”

You are warned.

Online Health Declaration for entry/exit China

See this article with instructions on how to fill out in advance the form.

Be aware you need to be able to scan the QR code.
See some screenshots, go to the site for the full introduction.


Cheap airline tickets?

Chinese airlines offer dirt cheap tickets to fly. Now who would use them? It makes no sense, wherever you go, or return to Beijing you face quarantine.
Few people seem to understand the enormous difficulty to do any business now in China as practically speaking you can’t travel to any place. If you do Beijing – Tianjin and you return then you face 2 weeks quarantine.
Yes you can do ZOOM, SKYPE and other. Some people need to travel to SIGN contracts. Or visit notary and alike.

Alipay and Wechat health apps

As I mentioned, I could not do any of those. While I still believe the WeChat one is only for Chinese ID, I got some valuable feedback, see here. I will try this again but with a Chinese friend (who is a bit of a specialist in those things) as there is always Chinese stuff popping up, and difficult fields to fill in. In my case I never know, is it my passport or my Green card, etc. I don’t want to do something wrong. The same friend had set up my WeChat, Alipay and Taobao so she is familiar with my “problems”.


See some screenshots from that link and screenshot of my mobile (the last step I did before stopping).

We were initially looking in Alipay for another link (“Alipay Health Code”) and that one did not work for me. That link is talked about but … does not appear directly within Alipay. Talking about confusing. I keep you posted. Any tip is welcome.

Trends wrote yesterday:

Volvo top guy Geert Bruyneel: “Economists in Europe have underestimated the impact of the coronavirus.”
I think not only Europe, but worldwide… I clearly agree with him since the early days.

Volvo-topman Geert Bruyneel: ‘Economen in Europa hebben de impact van het coronavirus onderschat’
Geert Bruyneel is het wereldwijde hoofd van de Volvo-fabrieken. In januari zat hij twee weken in quarantaine, na een verblijf in China. “Onze Chinese fabrieken krabbelen weer overeind. De economen in Europa hebben de situatie toch wat onderschat. Voor mij was al langer duidelijk dat het coronavirus een aanzienlijke impact op de economie zal hebben.”

Have a nice weekend

Thanks to all for reading. Some people read half or even less then start screaming I am wrong. Attention span today is VERY short. So many superficial and ignorant people.

Oh well. Will try to have a relaxed weekend with my birds coming to look for me every morning, waiting for their food. And I talk to myself a little.
Also, a new Hongkong outfit for the Metro. Chinese paranoia at its best. I prefer also an alternative use for masks.
Enjoy virus weekend. And good luck to our American friends, they are blessed with a great genius leader, a bit like the one in DPRK.