More updates on COVID-19

Message to our ill-informed Chinese

As part of my more updates on COVID-19:
I mentioned the blatant xenophobic and racial reactions towards foreigners “who are dangerous, importing the virus”.
Well, see this:
No Foreigners Among Beijing’s 31 Imported Cases So Far
16 March 2020
Of the 31 reported cases of COVID-19 that have come in from overseas so far, all have been Chinese citizens and 27 were determined to be symptomatic on the plane, Beijing CDC deputy director Pang Xinghuo said at this afternoon’s press conference on epidemic control.
Pang gave the details as part of a statistical snapshot on imported cases of the disease, which at this point is now the main route of new infections in the capital, as well as other parts of China outside of Hubei.
Pang said that to date, 26 of the 31, or 84%, came from the following five routes:

Aeroflot SU204 from Moscow
Etihad Airways EY888 from Abu Dhabi
Emirates EK306 from Dubai
Air China CA938 from London
Air China CA846 from Barcelona

The 31 confirmed passengers are from Zhejiang (13 cases);  Beijing, Gansu, Hubei, Liaoning, Ningxia Shandong, and Sichuan, (two each); Hebei, Fujian, Xinjiang, and Yunnan (one each).
Read the full article:

See here the original source in Chinese:

Here in Word: 200316 noforeigners

Another source: 20,000 people arrive in China daily, with 10% being foreigners.

Fake news and more

China continues to feed fake news that the virus is not from China (maybe brought by UFO?). They will repeat it so many times till they start believing their fake stuff. Pathetic.

I don’t need to mention all the world news about border closures, lockdowns, etc. It’s all over the media. Armageddon.
Worrying in my opinion are the “danger zones”, the areas in the world where we still can expect dramatic increases in the spread of the virus. See a snapshot of those.
Yeah maybe better now to be in Beijing.

Well, Morel’s Restaurant opened today! What a relief! They even admitted Chinese to enter.

Imported cases the new danger

See two China Daily articles, both “omitting” the fact the imported cases are all from Chinese:

“Imported cases face tougher measures”
“Control of imported cases now crucial: China Daily editorial”

Otherwise most of the policies were already explained in my previous post.

Beijing quarantine

Further to my earlier post, it seems that the exceptions to mandatory quarantine in designated hotels would be for people over 70 years old, pregnant women, unaccompanied minors and even “people living alone”.

Welcome to Beijing! Example of designated hotel Tangyun in Huairou

200316 BeijingAirport

A short clip circulating in Beijing: Chinese invasion from abroad in Beijing Airport.

Is China’s growth streak over?
I fully agree with this comment in the NYT:
The economic fallout from China’s fight against the coronavirus outbreak became much clearer. this week: It’s very possible the economy contracted in the first quarter, for the first time since 1976.
The first official numbers since Beijing locked down parts of the country are out: Industrial production, retail sales and investment all posted record double-digit drops for the first two months of the year, compared with the same period in 2019.
Though government officials played down the news, saying it was too early to tell whether the economy contracted, the data released on Monday was even more dismal than many economists had anticipated.
Looking ahead: It could be months, if not longer, before the country is fully up and running again. Tens of millions of migrants who work in China’s factories are still stuck in quarantines or in their hometowns. And consumers are still not shopping.

Not mentioned in the comment: with world trade grinding and international & local travel to a halt, China’s usual markets will order less and will not be able to import… So even when China is “back to normal” their export markets won’t. And forget about international tourists visiting China.

Alibaba donates to Belgium and USA

In Dutch: Alibaba Foundation sending 500,000 masks to Belgium, also 30,000 test kits. And also donating to USA (in English).
Alibaba Foundation schenkt 500.000 mondmaskers dankzij tussenkomst koning Filip

Coronavirus: Masks and test kits donated by Jack Ma arrive in US
SCMP 17 March 2010
Chinese-made supplies will be distributed by US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention amid shortages in United States.
The first shipment of Chinese billionaire Jack Ma’s donation of 1 million masks and 500,000 coronavirus test kits to the United States arrived in the US on Monday morning.
The supplies, which will be distributed by the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), were purchased in China since its factories have gradually resumed production. The shipment of a second batch will depend on availability, said a spokesman at the Jack Ma Foundation.


I don’t understand this meaningless hoarding going on in Western countries, never saw this in Beijing during the outbreak. What’s wrong with this people? Then they say Chinese are crazy… WTF. Buying toilet paper, water whatever. And guns? Stupidity has no borders.

Watch this crazy line of people in Cypress (USA) to enter COSTCO.

WATCH: Hundreds line up at Costco in Cypress amid coronavirus outbreak

Costco for weeks has seen a crush of shoppers swarm its big-box stores, loading up on paper goods and food. Other retailers such as Target and local grocery stores have seen their shelves wiped clean of hand sanitizer, toilet paper and paper towels.
A line on Friday extended out of the Cypress Costco about a quarter-mile to surrounding streets as people waited to get inside. Shoppers were told around midday that the store had sold out of paper products and store-brand bottled water.

Beijing will quarantine travelers from overseas

Beijing to quarantine all international arrivals for 2 weeks in special facilities

Beijing will quarantine travelers from overseas for 2 weeks in medical treatment stations starting Monday, local authorities said Sunday, as China steps up measures against coronavirus cases coming from overseas.
People arriving from abroad had previously been allowed to undergo a mandatory two-week quarantine at home, but now only those in “special circumstances” will be exempted from being sent to facilities where they must pay for their own stay.
People’s Daily, 15 March 2020

Terminal 3 in Beijing yesterday with also massive queues to pass health checks.
The designated medical treatment stations are staffed with professional medical workers to carry out health monitoring. Those who falsely report information, conceal a disease or cause the spread of the epidemic will be punished according to the regulations, Beijing Daily reported Sunday.

Feedback from arriving passengers

Mixed reviews…
It takes some time after arrival to proceed from the airport to the reception center in Shunyi. All must undergo quarantine in designated hotels, normally close to the place of residence but others are being send to Huairou or other locations outside of the city. Some hotels are up to RMB 700 per night, price range can be from 200 upwards, including 3 meals. The only hotel in Dongcheng District would be RMB 420/night. They comment that overall it was “well organized”. See one of the hotels (from WeChat group).

Others say it is a mess, you can’t chose the hotels and prices are inflated…
See overview from SCMP on quarantine regulations, dated 14 March when the mandatory quarantine rules in Beijing were not yet announced.
As a rule, anything can change at any moment.

Another overview (Beijing not updated yet):

See here also overview done by American Chamber in South China, seems pretty updated and recommended:


As said earlier there is now a real xenophobia in Beijing. Some restaurants bar the “dangerous foreigners”, because “restaurant could have problems if authorities see there are foreigners inside”. For confidentiality I cannot give details.

Chinese coming back from Schiphol, Holland, on a CZ plane. They are the real dangerous people and not most foreigners (see any?). Reason is Chinese abroad mostly have no insurance to look doctor so they want to come back for treatment. Vast majority barred from boarding in Europe are Chinese and most incoming sick people are returning Chinese.
To stop this, what I know the government now will NOT treat them free of charge. If they have the virus the bill for treatment is RMB 400,000. Message: “Don’t come here, stay where you are if sick, we don’t want you!”

The Washington Times – Sunday, March 15, 2020
The World Health Organization on Sunday said there is no evidence the U.S. introduced the coronavirus into China as suggested by Beijing’s foreign ministry spokesman last week.
“We have neither seen the allegation nor any evidence to support it,” WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier told The Washington Times.

The quest for a vaccine

We’ve Got The Vaccine, Says Pentagon-Funded Company
12 March 2020
Canadian firm says it could make 10 million doses per month — if its innovative production method wins FDA approval.
A Canadian company says that it has produced a COVID-19 vaccine just 20 days after receiving the coronavirus’s genetic sequence, using a unique technology that they soon hope to submit for FDA approval.
Medicago CEO Bruce Clark said his company could produce as many as 10 million doses a month. If regulatory hurdles can be cleared, he said in a Thursday interview, the vaccine could start to become available in November 2021.
An Israeli research lab has also claimed to have created a vaccine. But Clark says his company’s technique, which has already been proven effective in producing vaccines for seasonal flu, is more reliable and easier to scale.
Read the full story:

The Chinese economy

Good insight here:
Coronavirus: China’s economy suffered dramatic collapse in warning to rest of world. Combined data for January and February showed that industrial production, retail sales and asset investment all declined far more than analysts expected. Lockdowns to control the coronavirus proved to be a constraint to economic growth, but with China now in recovery, data suggests what rest of the world could expect.
SCMP 16 March 2020

Bericht van prof Wim Derave, UZ Gent

Professor schrijft brief aan bevolking: “We zijn een eigenwijs en tegendraads volk, ons egoïsme gaat ons de das omdoen”
Er komt een drama op ons af als het gaat over het nieuwe coronavirus. Dat zegt Wim Derave, professor inspanningsfysiologie aan de UGent. In een brief naar “de medemens” haalt hij uit naar mensen die de maatregelen van de overheid niet serieus nemen. “Je kan het leven van een medemens redden. Wees niet egoïstisch. Bron: VRT NWS: nieuws
De volgende tekst is eigenlijk van een andere bron maar ziet er gelijk uit.

200315 Wim Derave

Worldwide pandemic

Happy Sunday

It is a curious feeling to watch from Beijing the worldwide pandemic, to see the growing list of countries enforcing a lockdown and closure of restaurants, bars, cinemas and more: Italy, Belgium, France, Spain, … I guess more to follow. And forget travel. Be happy if you made it home, stay there!

As said situation in China seems to be improving overall but still too many restrictions make life difficult. Even the Belgian ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends NOT to travel and as an example these countries block in one way or other Belgians to enter: Vietnam, Morocco, Turkey, New Zealand, USA, Poland, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, Cyprus, Lithuania, …

Some people still deny reality and facts as they blindly believe fake news outlets like Fox News and other. That so-called news channel competes in fakeness with Global Times, at times China Daily and other media from authoritarian countries with harsh censorship. If they attack CNN, NYT and other, hey you also can watch France24, Euronews and other that will show how the U.S. is still scrambling to catch up and the White House (we should call it the BLACK House) giving meaningless and erratic press briefings. And “medical authorities” unable to answer the most elementary questions in congress and senate.

Not to be surprised some medical experts predict between 160 million and 214 million people in the United States could be infected over the course of the epidemic. I don’t dare to give a figure but it does not look good for reason I explained before, see also further.
The U.S. has roughly 46,500 beds designated for ICU use, but even in a moderate scenario, it’s projected that 200,000 people could need ICU treatment, according to a report from Johns Hopkins.

And: why a shortage of tests in the U.S.? (again, basically nothing new)
The CDC’s initial test for the virus was faulty. And, for reasons that remain unknown, the U.S. opted not to rely on the World Health Organization’s test while the CDC developed a new one. Red tape slowed down academic labs that wanted to quickly develop their own. With both academic and commercial labs now pitching in, testing is becoming more widely available. But the U.S. is still playing catch-up, and the virus has likely been spreading undetected in the meantime.

Meanwhile U.S. government organizes mass contamination at airport for arriving passengers. Incredible mess.

Here’s another not-so-optimist comment:
The economic fallout from the coronavirus could be more serious than the damage done by the 2008 global financial crisis for Singapore, according to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.
“We can’t tell when the pandemic will end, but it will likely last at least this year, and quite possibly longer,” Lee said in a Facebook post. “The economic hit will likely be more serious than the Global Financial Crisis, and longer-lasting too, even beyond the end of the pandemic.”

Keep some humor

At least some keep up the good spirits with a dose of humor:

Also screenshots of a short video clip that shows how to keep safe your priceless possession of toilet paper, the symbol of stupid hoarding.
Of course I can also recommend “LAUGH AND GET WISER!

Our friend Renaat Morel, famous chef and owner of Morel’s Restaurant in Beijing, has seen his restaurant forced to close for weeks with big financial loss (as everybody in the sector).

Poor Renaat has to make a living. He is doing extra cleaning work to earn 50 RMB per hour. He is asking for a raise but boss Susan is rather stingy.
BTW Renaat will try to open again this Tuesday, despite the shortage of staff and other difficulties. Legend Beer remains off limits.

David Leonhardt on an article by Derek Thompson, The Atlantic

In an outbreak, public-health interventions are the most effective stimulus. In many ways, though, giving people money is a public-health intervention. More than 10 percent of Americans skip doctor appointments even when they feel sick, because they don’t think they can afford it. In the next few weeks, the Trump administration may have to request that Americans withdraw from public life — to “cancel everything.” This request to engage in economically damaging activity may be more palatable for many families if it comes with a financial package that compensates them for the damage. In a precarious economy where millions of people feel like they have to work to survive, more Americans will insist on going to work even as they show signs of illness, which means more Americans will be infected, and sick patients will overwhelm America’s hospitals.

And this is exactly the “chain reaction” I am always referring to. As the example I gave earlier about the waiter in your restaurant. This analysis of the impact of cancellations in the event industry is telling. Like cancelling major soccer games in Europe. Or F1. Anything like that:
“To see why the U.S. needs a stimulus package, look at Austin. The city’s wise decision to cancel the SXSW festival is devastating, wiping out nearly $1 billion in economic activity. The city’s “conference economy” is large and diverse, including security staff, tech crews, caterers, ride-hailing drivers, and hotel and restaurant staff. Thousands of people will lose an economic windfall they plan for all year. If they fall behind on rent or can’t pay utility bills next month, they’ll pull back spending on grocery stores and clothing outlets. The SXSW cancellation will reverberate throughout the region.”

An interesting analysis on how South Korea dealt with the virus

“South Korea’s coronavirus response is the opposite of China and Italy – and it’s working.”
Seoul’s handling of the outbreak emphasises transparency and relies heavily on public cooperation in place of hardline measures such as lockdowns. While uncertainties remain, it is increasingly viewed by public health experts as a model to emulate for authorities desperate to keep COVID-19 in check.
SCMP 14 March 2020

As countries ranging from the United States to Italy and Iran struggle to manage the virus, Seoul’s handling of the outbreak – involving a highly coordinated government response that has emphasised transparency and relied heavily on public cooperation in place of hardline measures such as lockdowns – is increasingly viewed by public health experts as a model to emulate for authorities desperate to keep the virus under control.
Whereas China, where the virus originated, and more recently Italy have placed millions of their citizens on lockdown, South Korea has not restricted people’s movements – not even in Daegu, the southeastern city at the centre of the country’s outbreak.
Instead, authorities have focused mandatory quarantine on infected patients and those with whom they have come into close contact, while advising the public to stay indoors, avoid public events, wear masks and practise good hygiene.

Rumor stories and xenophobia

Welcome to Beijing

Beijing seems to be somehow improving, but rumor stories and xenophobia about COVID-19 are now new worries as I already mentioned.
As reported earlier, expect draconian measures of health check and quarantine when arriving from abroad in China. Well at least people can still arrive, other countries completely close the door. Like The Netherlands…

Happy I am here already. All looks HORRIBLE.

Shanghai is also getting more restrictive: It has expanded its list of countries, which are severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic, from four to eight. To the list of South Korea, Japan, Italy and Iran have been added France, Spain, Germany and the United States. Everyone who has been in any of the eight countries on the new list in the 14 days prior to their arrival in Shanghai must undergo a 14-day quarantine at home or in a designated place, the city government said on late Thursday.

23 February I wrote to my friends: “The virus can’t be stopped. Around the world, it just started. While predictions are difficult I would say it looks very worrisome. It’s the new flu.”
Words of the times: cancelled – restrictions – closed – quarantine

Trump declares emergency now, after waiting for 6 weeks when he was already asked to act but refused because it was “another hoax”. Because no worry, virus will go away like magic. Thank you Trump for protecting the EU by stopping air travel. OK to infect UK, no problem.

As I already mentioned myself (isn’t that obvious?): “Coronavirus: Africa has few cases so far but it’s just a matter of time before major outbreak. Most African countries do not have facilities to test for the virus, let alone treat it. Africa has major trade and travel connections with China and Italy, the countries hit hardest by the coronavirus outbreak.”
SCMP 13 March 2020
Besides Africa, add USA and South America to the list for the same reasons.


Saw a video on WeChat (, found out more about it:

“Coronavirus eine gezielt erschaffene Biowaffe? Dubiose Fakten – und was dahinter steckt.
Um die Existenz des neuartigen Coronavirus ranken sich zahlreiche Theorien. Ein Video soll belegen, dass es sich bei dem Virus um eine gezielt eingesetzte Biowaffe handelt. nimmt die Aussagen aus dem Video unter die Lupe und erklärt, was hinter den Behauptungen steckt.”;art154607,4944278

The video claims we are looking at biological weapons. In short: considered as “fake news” with comments from dubious experts and wrong details.

Some translated parts:
“Corona virus a deliberately created bio-weapon? Dubious facts – and what’s behind them.
There are numerous theories surrounding the existence of the novel corona virus. A video is to prove that the virus is a targeted biological weapon. takes a close look at the statements from the video and explains what is behind the claims. Corona virus video: Two alleged virologists as experts.
Two virologists are mentioned in the video, Dr. Alan Cantwell and Dr. James Lyons hamlet. The video tells of Cantwell that he found 107 references in the online database “PubMed”, which suggest experiments with corona viruses. He also found that human and animal coronaviruses had been genetically engineered to produce pathogenic and mutant viruses for over a decade.”

Chinese are xenophobe, not to say racists

More and more anti-foreign sentiment in China. Recently we saw the uproar against the new draft law on the Green Card. We foreigners are not welcome, we steal jobs, whatever.

All that crap as China has the lowest amount of foreigners in the world. All while Chinese flood our countries with cheap manual labor.

Now Chinese say they should not meet foreigners because they have virus, some of my Chinese friends are afraid to take a picture with me as their office colleagues strongly advice against meeting foreigners.
Some restaurants don’t allow foreigners.
“I AM NOT A VIRUS”, remember? We silly foreigners were defending the Chinese in Europe being discriminated. Anybody in China will defend us? Nope.
Actually the most dangerous people to avoid in Beijing are Chinese returning from abroad. As I heard, Air China kicked out some 30 Chinese from the flight to Beijing and left them stranded in Frankfurt Airport. They had high temperature. (corrected on 16 March)

Oh well, all the crap about how “nice” Chinese are. Chinese and Japanese are probably the worst racist. We are welcome as long as we are useful, we are “tolerated”. Do note I think this negative attitude is only with a certain section of the Chinese population, we also have pleasant experiences here. Otherwise, why are we here? Racism also exists in our Western countries.

Some of my friends not afraid of me. Dinner in a near deserted Lily’s American Diner (nice place), long time no see.

Evading responsibility by making up stories

Several creative crazy stories trying to prove it is not a “Wuhan virus”: Americans are to blame. At least many Chinese consider those as storytelling but still, the government let those fake stories go around. You try to say anything negative about the Great Leader and your WeChat account is closed.
Yesterday I complained the media did not report on those, that has now changed, finally.

“US State Department summons Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai amid anger over Beijing coronavirus comments. Diplomat David Stilwell delivers a ‘stern representation’ of the US government’s position to Cui Tiankai. Meeting in Washington follows Chinese foreign ministry spokesman’s insinuation that the US military brought the coronavirus to China.
SCMP 14 March 2020

and also:
“Coronavirus conspiracy theories: US and Chinese politicians rush in where experts fear to tread. A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman who promoted online theories about the origins of COVID-19 is the latest high-profile figure to make unverified claims. Beijing angered by US politicians who have characterized it as a ‘Chinese virus’ and Senator Tom Cotton’s suggestion it came from a lab in Wuhan.
SCMP 13 March 2020

See here one of the most detailed and fake stories going around:
All in Chinese. For those interested in this creative nonsense, see the PDF.
200301 Chineserumor
It seems most of the comments on this article dismiss it as fabrication. Well, reassuring in part.

Scientific efforts to trace back the virus

Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed COVID-19 case traced back to November 17. Government records suggest first person infected with new disease may have been a Hubei resident aged 55, but ‘patient zero’ has yet to be confirmed. Documents seen by the Post could help scientists track the spread of the disease and perhaps determine its source.
SCMP 13 March 2020

COVID-19 story getting weirder

Restarting China’s economy

I feel the COVID-19 story is getting weirder, with Chinese propaganda and dubious rumors. And then the USA.

China is trying to kick its economy back into gear after draconian coronavirus countermeasures ground it to a halt.
Part of the workforce has begun returning to shuttered factories and offices, but restarting the industrial machine has proved to be more difficult than shutting it down.
The many cash-strapped consumers who missed paychecks may spend less, while businesses may have lower overseas demand as their customers are lowering orders (if any).
As people leave isolation, officials could face a new crop of infections so they remain paranoid about it.
More than 50 million migrant workers have not yet returned to their jobs, according to official data. Reason: long-distance buses have not returned to normal, leaving people stranded; migrants simply NOT allowed to return. Enormous crowds trying to pass the police controls to enter cities like Beijing. Total chaos.

Many businesses in Beijing can’t really restart as the majority of their staff is not able to return.
Market meltdown as global stocks fell sharply again on Thursday, as President Trump’s bungled attempt to address the coronavirus outbreak failed to ease concerns. Does not help either.
In Western countries still many fail to understand the enormous economic impact of cancelling tourism, business, sports and cultural events and shutting down shops: so many people deprived of income. They are consumers too and will refrain to spend.

Parents are getting tired and desperate having to take care of their kids at home. Couples are facing increased stress and domestic problems as they are not used to be at home together for so long. Domestic violence is on the rise and police ignore it.
Business travel and meetings are nearly impossible, tourism is dead.
At least China Daily admits there are “problems”:

So I repeat: no anytime soon we will see any “normal” life again. I leave the optimism to China Daily and the other muzzled Chinese media.

Chinese crazy rumors

Strangely I haven’t seen anything about this in international media, looks like they are clueless about what is going on in China. Nothing on CNN, The Guardian, SCMP.
Chinese propaganda has centered on another reality-defying narrative.
The new “news”: COVID-19 comes from abroad, developed by teams of Americans and Chinese, whatever whatever. All news “supported” by details on which laboratories and researchers were involved. No no, not coming from Wuhan. All news in Chinese. I spare you the details. Worse, Chinese swallow it.
Well, finally some news:

“Pékin soupçonne les Etats-Unis d’avoir apporté le virus en Chine”
In short (being one of the several variants of that “story”):
– American CDC admits some Americans did not die from the flu but from COVID-19;
– The Americans brought the virus to Wuhan during the World Military Games.
All pretty imaginative. Then why did other participants to those Games not get infected?


As said repeatedly, the country is in total disarray with lack of testing, insufficient hospital beds and equipment to face a wave of new cases, and a health insurance system that does not work for many people so they will hide with their virus and infect many other; they have to go to work otherwise they have no income. Visiting a doctor or clinic is out of the question due to the cost.

Just look at one simple example. Think about the waiter in your restaurant, like in USA. Now he can’t work, restaurant closed. Will he get some salary? What about the tips he normally receives? How will he pay off his mortgage?

The real infection rate in the USA might be massively under-reported. Till people die in greater numbers, a fact they can’t hide…
The bureaucratic blundering made the country lose 2 months to come out with the appropriate virus test kits.

See also this comment on SCMP:
Coronavirus: Donald Trump’s speech was meant to reassure, but it did just the opposite
‘He is a reality-show expert. This is a real crisis. The happy ending is not guaranteed,’ communications strategist says. Televised Oval Office address offered an ineffective remedy in the European travel ban and fell short on other policy recommendations, according to analysts.

Belgium in lockdown

The government has decided to cancel most social and sports events, closing down entertainment, restaurants, bars and all schools. Normal shops: many to reduce opening hours. Only pharmacies and food stores to open.

Contrary again to China, people have been emptying supermarkets to hoard food and other.
See overview of closing and cancellations::

Stay the fuck home

Hilarious but not stupid advice:

A Movement to Stop the COVID-19 Pandemic!
Our governments are failing at preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and containing the COVID-19 pandemic. Slow reactions, public appeasement policies, and their urge to stabilize the economy are keeping them from taking the measures it takes to protect millions from this disease. It is time for us, as citizens of this earth, to take action now and do our part in fighting COVID-19.
Let’s put it bluntly: Stay The Fuck Home!

  1. More Contagious Than the Flu
  2. More Deadly Than the Flu
  3. Possibility of Severe Symptoms
  4. No Treatment, No Vaccine, No Immunity
  5. Exponential Growth.

Actually many of the mentioned recommendations and data were mentioned earlier in my posts.

Also, I need to repeat: most infections spread by people yet to show symptoms according to scientists. So, we haven’t seen the real spread yet.