Rotaract Quiz in Beijing: a success!

On Monday 23 September Rotaract held its quiz in “The Local” (formerly called Brussels Restaurant).
We were all a bit nervous – how many people will turn up – but it was better than we could dream: full house, we had to scramble to get enough chairs.  In total 11 teams with far over 50 people. I was looking with amusement how both serious and enthusiastic all were to solve the riddles provide by our quiz master Anthony Tao (who did a great job).
Our Rotaract President Joe being out of town, Past President Ian was the MC, along with Rotarian Helen Boyle of MCF, and myself.
All proceeds were for MCF (Migrant Children Foundation

Prizes: wine donated by Gilbert  and Cheers Wines, plus Gilbert’s e-book.
Proceeds came from the 50 RMB per team fee, the raffle (all tickets sold!) and the contribution from The Local: for every Vedett beer sold, 10 RMB donated. Estimate: about 2000 RMB raised. But most important was the fun aspect of the event!
Congrats to Rotaract and pity not more Rotarians turned up.

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