Old China Hands Lunch 7 March


Animated lunch

The Old China Hands Lunch 7 March was attended by 26 friends in total. I even had the pleasure of having an old friend attending who had just arrived from Belgium in the early morning.

The menu, see the pictures:

  • Russian egg salad OR salade Niçoise
  • pork piccata provençal style served with grilled tomato and pan-fried potatoes OR thin sliced beef tenderloin with wine merchant sauce served with market vegetables and Belgian fries OR pan-fried snapper with mustard sauce served with daily vegetables and mashed potatoes
  • daily desert

Lively discussions as always. Even outside on their bikes – seems this picture has been making the rounds on local media…

At the end we had a mix-up with backpacks. After a frantic search we found the one who had grabbed the wrong one… he was having a nap! They ended up exchanging the backpacks later in the evening.

Next lunch is planned for Friday 4 April 2025.


Gilbert on CGTN Dialogue

CGTN Dialogue, interview in my Julong office done on 24 February 2025, first on air on 6 March 19:30.

250224 CGTNweb

The interview is on a couple of platforms. Best is on Youtube by myself.

The original from CGTN is also on Youtube. We added the subtitles.


Old China Hands Lunch 7 February

Nice turnout

The Old China Hands Lunch 7 February 2025 saw a nice turnout of over 30 participants, despite some calling of sick, family issues, mixing up lunch/dinner and more. And icy weather! Otherwise we would have been close to 40!

Gilbert became an Eskimo! Fully equipped for the freezing weather.

Food was great as usual, see some in the pictures:

  • chicken curry salad OR Morel’s chef salad (ham, blue cheese and pan-fried chicken, beef on lettuce) OR f fresh daily soup
  • farmer’s pork sausage with onion sauce served with red cabbage and hotchpotch potatoes OR mini steak minute with blue cheese sauce served with daily vegetables and french fries OR pan-fried snapper with mustard sauce served with daily vegetables and mashed potatoes
  • daily desert

Very lively discussions and the speech by our Chinese Dutch friend Phoa.

Drinkable Rivers with Li An Phoa

See on Spotify

“The sign of a healthy economy should be a drinkable river,” these are the words of Li An Phoa, an environmental activist and our guest for this episode. In 2005, Li An Phoa canoed the full length of the Rupert, a river in Canada. All along the way, she was able to drink water straight from the river. When she returned three years later, this was no longer the case. The river had been poisoned from dams, mining, and industry. Fish died, people got ill, and the delicate balance in the ecosystem was destroyed. Realizing that drinkable rivers are not just a key indicator of ecological health, but community vitality and resilience as well, and that rivers can only be drinkable when economic systems are post-growth, truly democratic, place-based, and respectful of the commons and Indigenous peoples, Li An decided to dedicate her life to re-cultivating drinkable rivers.
Since then, Li An founded the Drinkable Rivers organization and Spring College  and has walked many rivers, using citizen science to test the water quality, training others to do the same, and intervening when a river has been contaminated or is off-balance. Her 1,000-kilometer walk along the river Meuse in Europe was the subject of the documentary Long Walk for Drinkable Rivers. Most recently, she and her partner Maarten van der Schaaf wrote the book Drinkable Rivers: How the river became my teacher.
In this conversation, Li An goes upstream to explain why rivers are no longer drinkable, she offers her vision of a world with drinkable rivers, shares her process for galvanizing communities to care for their watersheds, and suggests invitations for how all of us could contribute to healthier rivers and healthier eco- and economic systems around the world.

Introducing Li An Phoa

Our friend Phoa gave an emotional speech, also introducing his daughter and her book. Proud father!
Happy to receive a copy, In return I gave a copy of my book Toxic Capitalism, about environmental issues.

Our Chinese Dutch friend telling his personal story and introducing his daughter and her book, see the video clip on VIMEO.

Rotary Club of Beijing news

New banners

Rotary Club of Beijing news: we have two updated banners, presented during our meeting of 14 January.

Our largest expense now is for the charitable project Hypospadtias Operations. Started in 2016, so far we provided the cost for 149 operations at an approximate cost of RMB 1.4 million. We continue to support 2 operations a month.
Read about the project in this earlier post.

Folha de São Paulo

Many thanks to our Brazilian journalist friend Nelson for the interview he did with our RI President Elect during his visit to Beijing.
He was so kind to show the article dated 17 January 2025:


See the original here on the website of the newspaper Folha de São Paulo.

Rotary International President Elect

A prestigious visit

Rotary International President Elect 2025-26 Mário César Martins de Camargo visited the Rotary Club of Beijing on 7 January 2025, part of his tour worldwide to visit clubs.
He also visited other Rotary clubs in Beijing and Shanghai.
As a club member I had the privilege to meet many of the RI presidents. The visit of Mário was special for me as he is from the State of São Paulo and I resided in Brazil many years, including in the city of São Paulo.
I introduced to him my friend Nelson who is the journalist of the well-know Folha de São Paulo. Nelson later interviewed him.
We had a big turnout and the dinner in Kempinski Hotel was a success. And the food was great!

Pictures by Rtn Tom and Rtn Gilbert
This post is my personal view, not an official report of our club.

The program

An overview of the evening, as related by Mário himself and slightly edited by myself
Source: Mário on Facebook.

On 7 January 2025, Rotary International President Elect 2025-26 MARIO CÉSAR MARTINS DE CAMARGO, in Beijing, China, participated in moments of exchanging experiences and fellowship, with great engagement with the local Rotary community. It was moments to reinforce the values of solidarity, leadership and teamwork, pillars of Rotary, in an international context. It was a unique opportunity to exchange experiences, strengthen bonds among Rotary Clubs in the region, and promote global initiatives that reflect Rotary’s commitment to making a difference in the world.

RIPE 2025-26 Mario –  Great Moments at Rotary Club of Beijing

We highlight special moments from the President-Elect’s visit to the Rotary Club of Beijing.
▪︎ Registration of the attendees at the occasion. Present: members of the Rotary Clubs of Beijing, Beijing Riviera, Shenyang, Rotary China delegates among others and guests.
▪︎ Presence of journalists of Folha de São Paulo (Brazil), Pakistan and Germany
▪︎ Admission of new members: Realized by RIPE Mario, strengthening the associative framework of the club. Induction of our new member Joel.
▪︎ Presentation by our club directors of the activities of the club.
▪︎ Speech by Mário after the introduction by Rtn Tom and thanks by Rtn Didier who presided the dinner
▪︎ Special gift: Mario received a traditional Chinese scroll with calligraphy in Chinese characters, symbolizing friendship and gratitude, from Rtn Tom.
▪︎ Historical recognition: Rotary International Certificate in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Rotary Club of Beijing.
▪︎ President-Elect with Katrina Sam, Associate Rotarian with the Rotary Club of South Barbados in the Caribbean. Former president of her home club and currently an expatriate in Beijing on an international mission for a multinational development bank, Katrina has been instrumental in supporting the disclosures of the President-Elect’s actions in Beijing. She cooperates with sending materials and responds promptly to requests. Katrina participates as a visiting Rotarian at the Rotary Club of Beijing, proudly representing District 7030 in the Caribbean

This visit reflects the spirit of unity and cultural exchange that Rotary promotes globally.

Some background

See the background of Mário here:

Rtn Tom explains the sophisticated design of the scroll he donated:

Indeed a state of the art AI à la Tom…

Birds visit Beijing

Adventures with my birds

Birds visit Beijing  see earlier posts:
Beijing birds visiting
Beijing birds

Nothing dramatic has changed but I had some new visitors.
Eurasian tree sparrows and spotted doves are the regulars. The Eurasian magpies are afraid to visit except sometimes for drinking, they are a lively gang in the big tree in front of my office.

The Eurasian magpie or common magpie (Pica pica) is a resident breeding bird throughout the northern part of the Eurasian continent. It is one of several birds in the crow family designated magpies, and belongs to the Holarctic radiation of “monochrome” magpies. The Eurasian magpie is one of the most intelligent birds, and it is believed to be one of the most intelligent of all non-human animals.
The other one is the Azure-winged Magpie.
The azure-winged magpie (Cyanopica cyanus) is a bird in the crow family. It is 31–35 cm long and similar in overall shape to the Eurasian magpie (Pica pica) but is more slender with proportionately smaller legs and bill. It has a glossy black top to the head and a white throat. The underparts and the back are a light grey-fawn in color with the wings and the feathers of the long (16–20 cm) tail an azure blue.

Another intruder in the kitchen

A small azure-winged magpie fell down our chimney landing in our kitchen through the gas stove air exhaust. My wife tried to catch it but only managed to catch its feathers from the tail. It then hid in a small corner

Before going to bed I made sure there were no any lights in the kitchen and left the window open. By the morning it had left.
Yes, I told my wife several times we need to install some screen on the chimney and just now a worker came to soon solve the problem… The birds are attracted by the warm air…

A new visitor

I spotted a new bird on my balcony and finally succeeded to take a picture.

The light-vented bulbul, also called the Chinese bulbul, is a species of bird in the bulbul family found in central and southern China, Hong Kong, Macao, and other. Scientific name: Pycnonotus sinensis,
Looking forward to more different visitors, attracted by the corn and drinking water.